1791 4 Way IWB/OWB Concealment & Belt Holster

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The 4-Way Concealment & Belt Leather Holster by 1791 Gunleather is the ideal balance of protection and comfort, allowing four possible carry positions: Vertical, Horizontal, Cross-Draw, or Inside-The-Waistband. No other holster provides the same high-quality craftsmanship in and extremely versatile design. The 4WH provides maximum flexibility with IWB and OWB carry positions available all in one sturdy, leather belt holster.

Size 1
1911 3", 1911 4", Browning 1911-380, Browning HP, Glock 48, Kimber 1911 3", Kimber 1911 4", Kimber Ultra Raptor II, Ruger SR1911, Sig Sauer P230, Sig Sauer P365XL, S&W M&P Shield EZ, Springfield EMP 1911 3", Walther PPK

Size 2
Glock 42, Kahr CM/MP40, Kahr CM/MP9, Kahr K9, Keltec 380, Keltec P11, Kimber Micro 380, Kimber Micro 9, Ruger EC9S, Ruger LCP 380, Sig Sauer P365, S&W Bodyguard (pistol), Springfield 911

Size 3
Glock 25, Glock 27, Glock 29, Glock 30, Glock 33, Glock 43, Glock 43X, Kahr CM/MP45, Kahr CW9, Ruger LC9, Ruger Max 9, Ruger SR22 P, Ruger SR40, Ruger SR9, Ruger SR9c, SCCY CPX-1, SCCY CPX-2, SCCY CPX-3, Sig Sauer P225, Springfield Hellcat, Springfield XDE, Taurus PT 709, Walther CCP, Walther P22, Walther PPS

Size 4
Beretta Apex Carry, Beretta Nano, CZ 75, CZ 75B, Glock 22, Glock 23, Glock 26, Glock 27, Glock 28, Glock 29, Glock 30, Glock 33, Glock 39, Honor Defense FIST, Honor Defense HG9CLS, Honor Defense HG9SC 3.2", Keltec PF-9, Ruger SR9, Ruger SR9c, Sig Sauer P228, Sig Sauer P229, Sig Sauer P239, S&W M&P 9 mod.2, S&W M&P Shield/2.0, S&W M&P 9, Springfield XD, Springfield XD 3", Springfield XDE, Springfield XDE 40, Springfield XDE 45, Springfield XDE 9mm, Springfield XDs, Springfield XDS 40, Springfield XDS 44 ACP, Springfield XDS 9mm, Springfield XDS mod 2.0, Taurus 709 Slim, Taurus G2, Taurus G2c, Walther CCP, Walther PPS

Size 5
Beretta 92C, Beretta 92FS, Beretta 92S, Beretta Langdon Tactical 92 Elite LTT, Beretta M9, Beretta Px4 Storm, Beretta Px4 Storm Compact Carry, CZ 75, CZ P01, CZ P07, CZ P09, CZ P10C, CZ P10F, CZ P10s, FMK Patriot, FN Herstal 9c, FN Herstal FNS 40, FN Herstal FNS-9c, Glock 17, Glock 19X, Glock 20, Glock 21, Glock 25, Glock 31, Glock 32, Glock 38, Glock 44, Glock 45, H&K 40c, H&K P2000, H&K VP40, H&K VP9, H&K VP9 SK, Honor Defense HG9SC 3.8", Jerico 941, Mossberg MC1, Ruger American, Ruger P90, Ruger P95, Ruger SR40, Ruger SR9, Sig Sauer P225-A1, Sig Sauer P226, Sig Sauer P229, Sig Sauer P229 Legion, Sig Sauer P239, Sig Sauer P320, Sig Sauer P320 Carry, Sig Sauer P320c, S&W 5903, S&W 5904, S&W 5906, S&W M&P 40, S&W M&P 9 mod.2, S&W M&P 45, S&W SD9ve, Springfield XD(M)c, Springfield XD40, Springfield XD9, Springfield XDM 5.25", Springfield XDs, Steyr M9-A1, Taurus G2, Taurus G3, Taurus PT111, Taurus PT24/7, Taurus TX 22, Walther P99, Walther PK .380, Walther PPQ

Size 6

Beretta, Beretta 92, Beretta 92 FS, Beretta 92C, Beretta 92S, Beretta 92X, Beretta Langdon Tactical 92 Elite LTT, Beretta M9, Beretta Px4 Storm,
Canik TP9SF, 
CZ, CZ 75, CZ 75b, CZ P01, CZ P07, CZ P09, CZ P10, CZ P10F, CZ SHADOW 2, 
FN 509, FN 9 Longslide, FN 9c, FN Herstal, FN5.7, FNS 40 Longslide, FNX 45, 
Glock, Glock 17, Glock 20, Glock 21, Glock 31, 
H&K, H&K 40c, H&K VP 9 & 40, H&K VP40, H&K VP9 SK, H&K-P2000, 
Honor Defense, Honor Defense HG9SC 3.8\", 
Jericho, Jericho 941, M17, 
Mossberg, Mossberg MC1, 
Ruger, Ruger American, Ruger P90, Ruger P95, 
SIG, SIG P225-A1, SIG P226, SIG P229, SIG P229 Legion, SIG P239, SIG P320, SIG P320 Carry, SIG P320C, 
S&W Holsters, 
Springfield, Springfield XD(M)c, Springfield XDM 3.8\", Springfield XDM 4.5\", 
Stoeger, Stoeger STR-9, 
Walther, Walther PDP 4.5\", Walther PDP 4\", Walther PDP 5\", Walther WMP

By purchasing 1791 4 Way IWB/OWB Concealment & Belt Holster from our online store, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality item. We work with trusted brands to offer shooting and hunting enthusiasts, both amateur and professional, quality products at a reasonable price. Choosing to buy from us means opting for quality and practicality

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